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In my research, I take an intersectional qualitative approach to center marginalized groups and focus on gender-based violence that intersects with under-studied racial, ethnic, and immigrant groups.

Currently, I am finishing up a review on an article on “Intersectional Gendered Islamophobia” based on my conference paper and my participation in the Rutgers University Racial Democracy, Crime, and Justice Network (RDCJN) Summer Research Institute 2021.

My next two papers are based on my dissertation research. The first examines women’s resistance to anti-Muslim violence, while the second focuses on the intergenerational impact of post 9/11 interpersonal and institutionalized anti-Muslim sentiment on perceptions of Black Muslims in higher education.

For more information on Islamophobia, check out my article in the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2020!

My secondary research area focuses on gender-based violence and Caribbean immigrants. An article in The Washington Post’s Lily Magazine featuring my earlier work can be viewed here, along with archived resources from my previous research project. In line with this, my book chapter on intimate partner violence in the English-speaking Caribbean during COVID-19 in  International Response to Domestic Violence will be available in March, 2023.